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Captain Page 6

  “…I can?” I hoped I didn’t sound to suspicious.

  She nodded and smiled. Well, I wasn’t going to not take advantage of that. I headed out the door in to the hot Caribbean air one more time, then up the stairs to the waiting plane. At the top of the stairs, they directed me the wrong way. I had a seat at 34B.

  “No ma’am, you’ve been reseated to the front,” the attendant said, and pointed to the scribbling on the boarding pass.

  2A. First class.


  There was a bunch of other scribbling on it, but… Well, if they wanted me in first class, I wasn’t going to complain. I walked to the front where I could see the flight deck and the crew prepping for taking off. The attendant took my bag and put it in the bin for me and pointed me to the seat. There were two of them, and they were really rather large and comfy looking. I tucked my bag with my e-reader under the seat and plunked into the chair. Just as comfy as it looked.

  “Would you like a drink?” the attendant asked.

  “Um. Sure, why not. How much?”

  “First class ma’am. No charge.”

  “Even better.”

  She walked away and I realized she hadn’t asked what I wanted. Oh, well. Free was free, right? I looked around and found I had pretty premium seat, all the way up front, and in its own row. There was some kind of equipment locker next to me, nothing else. I pulled out my e-reader and turned it on. Maybe I could get lost in a bad romance or a good fantasy.

  I didn’t want to deal with my drab reality.

  The flight attendant was back a moment later as some of the other first class passengers started to file on. She asked me to put my tray table up and I had no idea where it was. After a little fumbling, I realized it was folded and tucked in a pocket next to the seat.

  She placed the napkin down and then smiled and put down the drink.

  A chocotini.

  What the actual fuck?

  “What’s going on?” I asked the attendant. “I mean, how did you know?”

  “May I see your boarding pass?” she asked.

  I pulled it out and handed it to her. She walked to the wall just ahead of me, pulled out a pen and scribbled a few more notes on the piece of paper and handed it back to me. She nodded and walked away.

  Thoroughly confused, I looked down at the boarding pass. The original four letter that were there, “CNGF 1st,” were expanded by the attendant to say, “Captain New Girl Friend, first class.”

  Before I could really digest that, the passenger across from me spoke. “Captain Macomb, good to see you. Going home?”

  I snapped my head up to find Allen leaning in the door to the cockpit. Full captain’s uniform, name tag, and just exuding the sexy look I’d come to adore during the week. “Not quite, Mister Gardena. I have a second leg to Denver I switched up for.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  He walked over to me, and leaned down. “New love can make you do funny things.”

  Allen kissed me. I kissed back.

  I was looking forward to this adventure. Just like the captain promised, this was just the beginning.


  “Excuse me, ma’am, but would you like to share a room?”


  “Halfsies, but no discount.”

  “Well, I don’t know sir. How do I know you’re not a pervert?”

  “I think I can prove quite well that I am a pervert.”

  “Oh, can you?”

  “I guarantee there will be no doubt.”

  “I think my husband would be scandalized.”

  “I think your husband would love to be scandalized. By you. Naked. For a week.”

  “Mm. Captain. You have a deal. Honeymoon suite. Halfsies, no clothes. One week.”

  “I guarantee you won’t regret this.”

  “I never did. I never will.”

  The End

  About the Author

  Armed with her Bachelors of English, Literature from Montclair State University and a pen name, Katherine Rhodes has set her mind to writing erotic romances which are kinky, dirty, and fun. She is a lackadaisical laundry goddess, and an expert in the profundities of bad music and awful literature– thanks to her husband. An East Coast dweller, currently located in the Philadelphia Tristate area, she is the proud servants of three cats and a betta fish.

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  More By


  Club Imperial-


  Broken Bonds


  Untied (coming soon)

  Lessons - A Club Imperial Novella

  MOUTH: Now. Forever. – A Club Imperial Novella

  Silver Soul -

  Not Quite Juliet

  To Thine Ownself (coming soon)

  The Realm -


  Angel Sword (coming soon)

  Novellas and Novella Series:

  The Demon Slayers - Passion Flames

  The Club - The Darkest Corners

  The Club – Anything For Her (coming April 2016)

  Acts of Contrition

  The Complex (December 2016)


  Consensual: Club Imperial

  Discover Katherine’s other books under

  J. Rose Alexander

  The Royals of Grand Island -

  Shadow in Glass

  The WitchWolf Chronicles – Origins

  Penumbra: Equinox

  Penumbra: Solstice (coming soon)

  The Faction Stories – with Aurora Zahni

  Apathetic Avengers

  The Natural Order of Things (coming soon)

  The Nightshift in New York

  Moonlight Calling


  Writers' Anarchy III: Heroes & Villains

  Woodland Creek Series - Zenko

  Skeleton Key – Eunica (June 2016)

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